A Comprehensive Suite of EH&S Software Applications for Manufacturers

Learn How Industry Specific Solutions Accelerate Implementation Timelines

  • Safety Data Sheets

  • GHS Labeling

  • Incidents & Accidents

  • Chemical Inventory

  • Regulatory Reporting

  • Risk Management

  • Audits & Inspections

  • Hazardous Waste

  • Workplace Safety

  • EHS Mobile Apps


EH&S Software Customers

Many of the world’s leading manufacturing companies rely on Chemical Safety’s EMS software to help manage their EHS operations.

  • Product Description
  • Features

EHS Software for Manufacturers

Risk Mitigation in manufacturing operations is one of the most critical concerns a business must address. The availability and proper use of chemicals is one of the most significant components in maintaining production levels and avoiding operational interruptions. With Chemical Safety Software, the process of tracking and receiving chemicals is streamlined and automated. Just-in-Time (JIT) chemical ordering reduces excess chemical purchasing, storage and disposal, reduces costs and increases efficiency. This, coupled with tools for safe and timely handling, updating, storing and disposing of chemicals increases workplace safety, corporate responsibility and regulatory compliance.

Manufacturing Clients

Chemical Safety Software has worked with some of the world’s largest and emerging manufacturing companies in many industries including electronics, sports manufacturing, semiconductor manufacturing, high-tech, chemical and others to help mitigate risk, reduce environmental footprint, increase safety and achieve compliance with local, regional, federal and international regulatory compliance and reporting.

Material Planning

Purchasing, Receiving, Safe Chemical Storage planning and Automated Just-in-Time (JIT) reordering. Track chemical inventory from delivery through to disposal and everything in between.

Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and GHS Labels

Easily find and view Safety Data Sheets for your company’s onsite chemicals through the industry’s most up-to-date database of Manufacturer-specific SDS and GHS resource.

Waste Management

Manage all phases of hazardous waste handling, storage and disposal safely and within regulatory timelines.

Manage Waste Streams, Waste Profiles and Satellite Accumulation Areas. Generate manifests, including the newly implemented EPA e-manifest, LDRs and PCB reports.

Inspections and Audits

Schedule and track safety inspections and audits with custom audit generation and smartphones and tablets.

Regulatory Compliance

Generate timely and accurate prebuilt electronic and paper-based regulatory reports to federal and state authorities.

GHS LabelingA cloud-based GHS labeling solution. Print GHS labels in a multitude of sizes and languages.
Safety Data SheetsMaintain your collection of safety data sheets in an easily accessible cloud-based web application.
Chemical Inventory ManagementTrack chemicals from the moment they are delivered right up until consumption or disposal.
Hazardous Waste ManagementCradle-to-grave hazardous waste management from the point of generation through to manifesting and shipment.
Environmental Regulatory ReportingPreconfigured federal and state environmental regulatory reports including Tier II, IFC, DHS, Biennial, CERS (California), and more.
Employee Workplace SafetyManage and track all aspects of environmental health and safety employee and workplace safety with Chemical Safety’s EMS.
Facility Safety and ComplianceCreate, manage, and monitor facilities from the top down. Automate a variety of tasks that simplify information processing and reporting.
Radioisotope TrackingManage the flow of radioisotopes with real-time decay in a multi-user and multi-facility environment.
EHS Mobile ApplicationsEnvironmental Health and Safety Apps for iOS (iPhone and iPad), Android and Microsoft (UWP).

Achieve Environmental Compliance Objectives in Less Time
