A Comprehensive Suite of EH&S Software Applications for Oil & Gas Companies
The Oil & Gas and petrochemical industries are dealing with multiple business and operational challenges as uncertainty and demand are constantly challenged by alternative energy sources.
Moreover, the industries are facing pressure from environmental organizations, regulators as well as the public, in great part because of the high visibility of the sector. Now, more than ever, these industries must utilize data-driven technologies to monitor and improve their Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) activities to ensure workplace safety, increase monitoring and reduce costs.
It is critical that companies in the Oil & Gas and Petrochemicals utilize flexible tools that can adapt to varying operational conditions, geographic environments and regional rules and priorities. HSE technologies can assist in the deployment of safety information and tracking of chemicals, in a simple, efficient and cost-effective matter.

EH&S Software Customers
Many of the world’s leading oil, gas and petrochemical industries rely on Chemical Safety’s EMS software to help manage their EHS operations.
Chemical Safety Software offers the experience, technology and tools to efficiently track, monitor and report how chemicals are acquired, stored, used and disposed, all within regulatory guidelines.
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and GHS Labels
Easily find and view Safety Data Sheets for your company’s onsite chemicals through the industry’s most up-to-date database of Manufacturer-specific SDS and GHS resource.
Waste Management
Manage all phases of hazardous waste handling, storage and disposal safely and within regulatory timelines.
Manage Waste Streams, Waste Profiles and Satellite Accumulation Areas. Generate manifests, including the newly implemented EPA e-manifest, LDRs and PCB reports.
Chemical Inventory
Purchasing, Receiving, Safe Chemical Storage planning and Automated Just-in-Time (JIT) reordering. Track chemical inventory from delivery through to disposal and everything in between.
Inspections and Audits
Schedule and track safety inspections and audits with custom audit generation and smartphones and tablets.
Regulatory Compliance
Generate timely and accurate prebuilt electronic and paper-based regulatory reports to federal and state authorities.
Product Description
Case Studies
As productivity increases in the oil, gas and petrochemical industries globally, there is increased examination into environmental health and safety practices, especially in chemical safety. Companies must remain at the forefront of chemical and safety management, as local, state, federal and international regulatory agencies respond to private and public mandates. Management and employees must know the risks associated with chemicals, exactly what chemicals are being used and where, and the steps to prevent contamination and exposure. Companies must utilize flexible tools that can adapt to varying conditions in the workplace and the environment. HSE technologies can assist in the deployment of safety information and tracking of chemicals and chemical waste in a simple, efficient and cost-effective manner.
Waste Management Case Study: Petroleum Producer, Houston, Texas USA
The Challenge
An industry leading company in oil production and exportation needed to properly manage the disposal of waste from multiple facilities within the organization and did not have the tools in place to do so. The client was concerned for waste disposal particularly, due to the strict regulatory requirements for the industry and the enormous costs of disposal and potential regulatory fines. Safety and compliance processes were conducted manually, in an inconsistent process with scheduling delays, paper forms as well as corrective actions and monitoring issues that did not meet industry standards.
The company had been fined repeatedly for non-compliance and other paperwork deficiencies. Additionally, an internal audit found that disposal costs could be reduced dramatically if data tools were properly applied for waste storage, consolidation and timely disposal.
The client had not previously utilized any sort of streamlined waste management system and wanted to find a solution to automate waste disposal collection, storage consolidation and disposal. The client also wanted to find solutions for compliance with environmental regulations, reduce legal and financial liability, reduce capital and operational expenditures, and reduce reputation risk.
The Solution
Chemical Safety Software was tasked with implementing a software solution to streamline sustainable waste management practices, through all of the client’s facilities and offices.
The solution provided by Chemical Safety was the implementation of processes centered around our comprehensive chemical management software, Environmental Management Systems (EMS). The EMS Waste Management technology module effectively managed all phases of hazardous waste handling in compliance with local guidelines for generation, pickup, consolidation, storage, treatment, manifesting, and disposal. This included the generation of compliant labels, storage compatibility monitoring as well as automated notification for timely and compliant and consistent disposal. Through the EMS waste module, the client could combine the EMS inventory model to support the complete lifecycle of chemicals. Those handling waste in the company were automatically notified via email of new waste pickup requests, and they could generate pickup request sheets within EMS.
The Result
Implementation of the solution was done rapidly with minimal disruption and wide acceptance within the organization. Information data errors were virtually eliminated and labor time reduced. Waste disposal cost reduction was realized in the first year of the new operation process and regulatory inspections yielded no notices of violation or fines.
Achieve Environmental Compliance Objectives in Less Time